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हमसे संपर्क करें

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Kol After Gond Kol is the second largest tribe of Madhya Pradesh. Besides Madhya Pradesh this tribe also resides in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa and Maharashtra. In Madhya Pradesh the people at this tribe lives in Rewa, Sidhi, Satna, Shahadol, Jabalpur and Mandla area. The Kols consider themselves as native of Farenda and Kurali villages in Rewa district. Their most dense population is in Rewa, Sidhi and Satna in Madhya Pradesh. On the basis of the census of 1991 the total population of the Kols was 1, 23,811 in Madhya Pradesh. As many as 22 sub-branches of the Kol tribe are accepted. Kol is one of the most ancient tribes of India, whose mention is found in the Rig Veda and many other mythological scriptures. According to Anthropology, the Kols fall in Kolarian or Munda group, which is considered as primitive group. The term “Kol” means human. Both Kol and Korku are terms of Mundari language group. In the original language of Kol and Munda tribes terms, Kore Hor are still used for man. Once upon a time the Kols were so influential and their biological spread was so wide that group of many sub-tribes originated from them were named as Munda or Kolarian group by anthropologists. Probably, due to long association with other communities they nolonger remember their origin myth or songs etc. As per the Munda myth, the Kols and Bhumijas are progenies of Oto Boram and Singh Bonga i.e. the Sun God. In mythological legends, details of Kol origin are found. According to such an mythological legend, the Kols, the Mundas, the Shabars and the Bhumijas were born when Kamdhenu hit the earth with her horns. The Kamdhenu cow, that fulfills all wishes, was with sage Ashtavakra. Indra wanted to take her away to Indraloka. They Both fought for her. Kamdhenu with her horns hit the earth and people with arms and weapons, pick-axe, spades and crowbar kept coming out from earth. Seeing all at them Indra ran way. It is believed that, those who were born having pick-axe were Kols, those having bow and arrows were called Mundas and those who had crowbar came to be known as Shabar. According to another legend, the Kols were born with all other tribes from the body of Raja Ven, who was the son of the earth. Like all tribes the Kols also have a panchayat and some panchayat office bearers in every village such as Mahato, Barua, Bhuihar, Ojha, Panda, Dewar and Neutia. Mahato or Choudhary is head of the village. Neutia delivers good bad news from any family and also gives invitation to the villages on important occasions. Pachayat is considered competent to settle all types of disputes. The people of Kol tribe like to live by constructing houses in front of each other in Tolas, which are called Kolhin Tola. If entire village is inhabited by the Kols then it is called Kolhan. Walls of Kol house are built by mixing straw in clay. Rope made of the bark of Bakohada tree is used for tying the bamboo-poles. Like other tribal communities the Kols also treat the cattle as part of their family so one room of their four roomed house is meant for them. The Kols have meager needs and are happy by eating Kodai Bhaji. They are also fond of Madain or Mahua liquor and hunting. Besides farming collection of forest produces is their main occupation. The dresses, festivals and marriages etc have become like those of other local communities to a considerably extent and they do not have a distinct identity of their own. The ornaments of their women still have impact of tribal communities.
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